1812 Born Baptised 1812 1828 ‘A Brigand Chief’ – First known painti… Copyist and Miniature Painter 1833 1833 Marries Mary Ann Pennal House Gallery & Studio 1834 1834 Henry Quinton Ubsdell, son, born William George Ubsdell, son, born 1836 1836 ‘Mary Rose’ watercolours Art Lectures 1836 1837 Self Portrait Thomas Charles Ubsdell, son, born 1838 1839 Mary Lavinia Ubsdell, daughter, born Paints Hampshire Churches 1840 1841 Mary Lavinia Ubsdell, daughter, dies Records Queen Victoria’s visit to Portsm… 1842 1842 Obtains images of members of Queen court … Paints members of the Court of King Louis … 1842 1843 Exhibits Miniatures of The Earl of Liverpo… Sketches: Crab & Lobster Inn and St Lawren… 1843 1844 Painting: Sermon at St. Lawrence Miniature: Anna Lefroy 1845 1846 Miniature: Rear Admiral Sir Charles Austen Brother Daniel Dies 1846 1846 Illuminated Address to King Louis of Franc… Painting: The Last Free Mart Fair in Ports… 1847 1848 Illuminated Address to Queen Victoria Exhibits at the R.A. 1849 1849 Ackerman publishes series based on Ubsdell… Records scenes for London Papers 1850 1851 Runs Amateur Photographic Club in Portsmou… Records the Funeral of Capt. Henry H Blac… 1851 1851 Creates Illuminated, pyrotechnic, Diorama … Father dies 1852 1852 Creates Illuminated, pyrotechnic, Diorama … Paints miniature portrait of Lieutenant Si… 1856 1857 Running the Portsmouth Stereoscopic Compan… Sells library of Stereoscopic images 1859 1860 Paints the auto-biographical ‘Governor’s… Records Celebrations in Portsmouth of Marr… 1863 1863 Presents his 4 watercolours of Celebration… Attends houseparties and records scenes on… 1864 1865 ‘Fishing Harting Pond’ Paints the legend of ‘Fair Rosamond’ 1866 1866 Ascends through ranks of Freemasonry Paints ‘Volunteer Review’ 1868 1869 Mother dies Portsmouth Councillor 1870 1875 Paints oil portrait of Admiral of the Flee… William George Ubsdell, son dies 1876 1881 Henry Ubsdell, son, imprisoned Henry Ubsdell, Son, dies 1884 1885 Thomas Charles Ubsdell, son, dies Died 1887